"VESNA" - den Frühling singen. Mariana Sadovska, Sängerin aus der #Ukraine - eine Sendung von Grit Friedrich via @mdrfigaro, MDR FIGARO Mi, 23.03., 21:00 Uhr
"VESNA" - den Frühling singen. Mariana Sadovska, Sängerin aus der #Ukraine - eine Sendung von Grit Friedrich via @mdrfigaro, MDR FIGARO Mi, 23.03., 21:00 Uhr
It was one of the most amazing concert! We did arrived, but there was no way to get a drumset transported to the space. My musician-partner kept calm and he played „tuffet, pouffe“- I am not kidding! It was magic poor! Christian Thomé just proved, that genius musician can play one string, or one cymbals or he may let the regular bar „tuffet“ sound like the most incredible bass-drum.! Our sound engineer was amazed! As everyone in the space! I will never forget this performance, and I am so thankful and so blessed to be able to work and make music with such an incredible musician. Thank you one more time for everyone, who made it possible, specially to Victor Fiorillo and Mary Kalyna, thank you for both singers Cynthia Hopkins and Rosie Langabeer, who open up and warmed up the space with their art, and thank you for everyone, who came, disregarding the snow ….Christian is on his way back to Germany, I am getting ready for California...
[sigplus] Kritischer Fehler: Es ist zwingend erforderlich, daß der Bildordner im relativen Pfad in Bezug zum Stammordner für Bilder liegt.
from Roman Turovsky
Here we are - happy, proud and thankful! The globalFEST team is amazing- warm, taking care and supportive! In the audience - so many of my dear friends, many of them have seen my first steps in this city 20 years ago .
Today- I keep in hands The New York Times review.
Philadelphia, we are coming.
Finally, it will be real! Last preparation for the US travel! I am so exited to perform during globalFEST in New York! I am so exited to meet all friends, to catch up, what is going on in music and theater in NY and San Francisco, to work again with amazing Kronos Quartet and Kitka Vocal Ensemble, to see, finally, the Theater performance of Lars Jan, for which I have been working on music! Exited! Exited! Exited I am!!!!
And before that, with Christian Thome we will be performing in Cologne Statgarten on Jan.12. We will do our „warm up“, we will get ready for you, America!