Art AGAINST WAR 5.04.2024
How much I wish to have no needs to ask for donations, write reports, etc... How much I wish this nightmare would end and you and I would only think about goodness, creativity, art, summer, children, ecology....
The media are dispersing information about russia's new major offensive against Ukraine at the end of May beginning of June…
In Ukraine, my friends prepare festivals, projects, publish books, create theater plays, open underground schools, compose music...
"WE WILL LIVE HERE" - repeat my dear friends in Ukraine.
And they also stubbornly continue to fight corruption, announce new fundraiser for cars, drones... sign up for the army... they resist.
So, I will also continue…THANK YOU ALL!
Thank you: Ralf Peters, Agnes Pollner, Ganna Gryniva, Victoria Leleka, Tamara Lukasheva, Margaux Kier, Ursula Dietrich, Christian Thome, Victoria Riccio, Bérengère Serdiuk, Alexandra Kalka, Margaret Wachowiak, Petra Maria, Rebecca Hundt, Anja Gerfelder, Denis Heydorn, Kevin Crawford, Thomas Sauerborn, Ian Mc Garry, Holger Plumenbaum, Bill Bragin, Rachel Bordstein, Adriana Bron, Nadine from Berqeley, Franziska Welti, Dagmar Schmidt, Antje Sangmeister, Dan Rothenberg, Pi-Hsien Chen, Mark Zak, Navid Kermani, Thomas und Cornelia from Berlin, Jörg Baesecke , who wished donations for Ukraine as his birthday present! LELEKA Foundation, KiTKA Ensemble, Rostyslav Prokpliuk and Ukrainian community in Prague.
And again and again dear Hans Mörtter, Sonja Gruppe and Südstadt Leben e.V.
Between 15.12.23 and 5.04.2 4 we collected 10789 Euro.
This included 750 Euro my fees for the workshop in Prague, plus 400 euro my fee for the singing at the event in Jülich.
We spent 7350 Euro, plus 3439 Euro I used to pay the debt from the previous collection (we didn't have enough 6650 Euro)
Your money were passed to:
100 euro to the fundraise for a car announced by PEN UKRAINE
800 euro for theater director and actor Oleksij Dorschevskyj to fundraise for drones, which save lives! Oleksii also finally received the tourniquets!
2,750 euro were spent on a car for the brother of volunteer Khrystyna Bondareva - we hope that the car will help evacuate the wounded and save lives!
3150 euros for the fees announced by Oleg Kadanov and his"Cultures shok“ The funds were used for the purchase of two night vision device and a car
200 to the fundraise for a drone, announced by the writer Artem Chekh
200 to the fundraise for a car for Maria Ustenko's relative
50 to the fundraise for the car of Тheater Lesi actorfrom Lviv
100 to support the mother of the poet Maksym Kryvtsov, who was killed by russia
I read, that there are two ways for Ukraine. Defeat evil. Or Ukraine will be destroyed and the evil will continue.
The third is not given…
I recently read from the poet and essayist Iryna Starovoit : “To stand with Ukraine is not enough. Let us win with Ukraine!“
Therefore, thank you all again and let's win with Ukraine!!
PS: Ukrainian musicians in Germany created a wonderful initiative Artist for Artist UA
Because art is not indifferent, because art can and should save lives!
Soon, on April 28th is my birthday - the only and the best Present is for me your support!
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Maryana Sadovska IBAN IBAN DE12500502011235532478
With Note: Humanitarian help-Ukraine
Südstadt Leben e.V. IBAN DE66 3506 0190 1013 4760 60
With Note: Ukraine-Mariana
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