Art against war!
Today I congratulate everyone on the holiday of Pokrova-Patroness of defenders! And I send huge gratitude to
all defenders- those who are at the front and those who do not get tired of supporting the front!
Here, first of all, I thank Ulyana Ursa Mare Osovska Denis Strashnyi Jura Josyfovych -thanks to them and to your donations
this van was bought and delivered to the front line. Thanks to the volunteers of for the logistics. Special thanks to the wonderful Tamara Lukasheva!
In addition, your donations helped to buy another "horse" and it is already serving faithfully!
In addition, we continue to raise funds for two thermal devises for Mark Tokar
There is very little left!
The collection was announced by our close friend, the famous Polish musician Tomasz Sikora. Most of the donations are collected in Poland. But many thanks to all of you who donated here in Germany "For Mark"!
Here is again a special bow to Tamara Lukasheva
Link where you may support, that Mark will come back with the Victory to the the Music in the first and second comment.
(And let me tell you a secret - Mark already has the devices in his hands! Because even the fact that it has become difficult to rise support .... and we have not yet collected the full amount , this does not stop us)
Very special thanks goes to the beautiful and strong Театр Лесі Українки from Lviv!
And very privately congratulations to my dearest defender Sashko Sadovskyj- I am proud of you, Brother! We are waiting for you with the victory!
Thank you, Salzburg- for the donations . I've got 230 euro after the concert and somebody transfered 200 Euro!
you may donate here
or here:
Maryana Sadovska
IBAN DE12500502011235532478 Swift BIC HELADEF1822
Bank 1822direkt
Borsigallee 19
60388 Frankfurt am Main
Per Paypal: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Für eine Spendenquittung, bitte über Südstadt-Leben e.V.
IBAN: DE09 3506 0190 10134 76 019 Stichwort: Ukraine-Mariana Sadovska