1000 Euros have already flown to Oleksij!
New Year bring new hope!
Art Against War does not stop and joins the fundraising for a casevac (a vehicle that takes the wounded from the battlefield) on the Anti Drone system for this car for Oleksii Palianychka, our friend and theater critic.
We are grateful to be in the same company with Театр Лесі Українки for such a cause! Thank you immeasurably to those whose names I can see- performer and philosopher Ralf Peters, vocal artist and director Kevin Crawford, singer and teacher Juliana Graffagna, director Lars Jan, singer Karina Samuel, film and theater designer Petra Maria, photographer Christian Herrmann, aktivist Mary Kalyna, listeners of my and Mark Tokar concert from Wangelin for the collection instead of gifts for Christmas, the musician and critic Mariya Kautz, actress and photographer Monika Barth, who announced the collection instead of gifts for her 80th birthday.
May your charity return to you multiplied 1000 times!
Thanks also to those who donated through the SüdStadt Leben and whose names I don't see!
Art saves lives! Art , LIfe, Love, Light will WIN!
Maryana Sadovska with "HUmanitarian Help Ukraine"
IBAN DE12500502011235532478
Bank 1822direkt
Borsigallee 19
60388 Frankfurt am Main
Per Paypal:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Für eine Spendenquittung, bitte über Südstadt-Leben e.V.
IBAN: DE09 3506 0190 10134 76 019
Stichwort: Ukraine-Mariana
IBAN DE12500502011235532478
Bank 1822direkt
Borsigallee 19
60388 Frankfurt am Main
Per Paypal:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Für eine Spendenquittung, bitte über Südstadt-Leben e.V.
IBAN: DE09 3506 0190 10134 76 019
Stichwort: Ukraine-Mariana