photo by Shannon Walenta
Created on-site in Omaha, The Wreck is an original and immersive production that uses the Slavic mythology of the Rusalka and mermaid folklore to examine themes of feminine experience including longing, escape, fear, rage, and the rituals of farewell and departure. The Wreck pulls inspiration from a collage of striking texts including the work of Anne Sexton, Alice Walker, and Adrienne Rich blended with music by composers including Donizetti, Schubert, and Von Bingen, as well as new compositions by eclectic Ukrainian composer Mariana Sadovska.
"Even more ingenious was “The Wreck,” created in 10 days by Annie Saunders, a Los Angeles-based director who specializes in site-specific theater pieces and was lured to Omaha by the promise of raw, empty spaces. A collaboration with composer Mariana Sadovska and designer Kate Fry, the 55-minute work takes off from the Little Mermaid/Rusalka story of the spirit creature who leaves water for land and suffers forit; it explores a distinctly female experience of domesticity, alienation and escape with a captivating mix of music and text." Heidi Waleson /The Wall Street Jounal