
This performance was conceived several years ago. I was waiting for the amazing opportunity to dive into the Greek tradition of ritual laments „miroloi“, waiting for a meeting with a Korean shaman who knows, how to accompany the souls of the dead and how to support those, who remain, to pass through separation and loss.
But, because of ruzzki mir, this work has become for me like a dream... sad, terrible, from which I just want to wake up... I survived, holding on to Vasyl Stus"Rage" , holding on "These are my fields and my gardens" by dear Kateryna Babkina. I withstood, thanks to the incredible support of dearest colleagues from Germany, France, Greece, Korea .... Thank you, MOUVOIR / Stephanie Thiersch for the possibility, during this performance, to repeat again and again:
"This is my country.
And all the fucking mess in this country is also mine.
So what do you want, merciless, ruthless world?
Why do you wear me out in my sorrow?
I gave you a safe place to cross the river
and a delicious dinner, and women and fish.
Unclench your fist, exchange your direction and view
for all my unearthly and earthly things"
Tomorrow and after-tomorrow-

Mark Tokar is one of the BEST DOUBLE BASS PLAYER in Ukraine.
He HAS TO MAKE music! let us help him.
The nights will be longer. Mark needs to be able to see in the night. We are gathering money for the night vision device for him.
We will stop doing this all, after the victory!
Please donate straight to the Polish foundrising side, or, as usual, to "Art Against War" with the note " for Mark Tokar"
Thank you!

Maryana Sadovska
IBAN DE12500502011235532478
Name der Bank 1822direkt
Adresse der Bank Borsigallee 19, 60388 Frankfurt am Main


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