
Volodymyr Sheiko : «Наш спів для Бабиного Яру» — приклад того, як розповідати світові про трагічні сторінки свого минулого, не цураючись їх. Як Україна цю трагедію переосмислює, як робить правильні кроки, як помиляється, як ми повертаємо собі забуте і що ми з ним робимо. Для цього абсолютно необхідне емоційне проживання." -thank you for this words!

Here is the whole very important interview with  Volodymyr Sheiko ,the director of Ukrainian Institute in Kyiv

Because this is not a "Ukrainian crisis"! We are  now on the edge of World War III and it is our responsibility to prevent tragedy! Let us  not  be  passive and silent! Let's actively demonstrate our solidarity! Cologne, 30.01.2022

Yey, we will be back! VESNA "reloaded"! so happy to be on the road again with Christian Thome and Markus Braun! On a musical road! The spring -VESNA- will come soon! Thank you , Ministry of Culture and Science  of the German State of North-Rhine Westphalia for supporting our work!

Not only have we survived the two years of the pandemic, we have grown, our voices are increasingly merging like rivers and becoming freer. Although we sing at a distance (perhaps, because of this), we  learned to hear each other better and better, we hear the source,“the source“, that is written about
in the book "The Philosophy of Singing" by Bettina Hesse (our choir singer)
Thanks to my favorite choir! We're moving on!
Thank you, dear Christian Herrmann for the photos. Thank you, #LutherKirche and #SüdstadtLeben for the open doors!

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